Privacy Policy

This privacy policy explains how the partner responsible for communication, Energy Cities (Association Loi de 1901, 2 chemin de Palente, F-25000 Besançon) (« we », « us ») may collect, store and process your personal data, for which purpose, and what are your data protection rights.

How we collect your personal data

What kind of personal data we collect, store and process

The personal data we may collect, store and process are: your name and surname, your gender, your email address, your phone number, your job position and organisation, and your professional postal address.

What do we use and process your personal data for

We may use your personal data in order to:

You can unsubscribe from our newsletters and mailing list at any time, using the subscription link that you will find in every issue of our newsletter and in the footer of every message that you receive from our mailing lists.
Your data might be shared with the European Commission and EASME staff in charge of the management of EU funded grants and their contractors for ex-post controls. Under no circumstances do we share your personal data with other organisations, except if a competent authority demands it or if we have your express permission.

Where and how long will your data be stored?

Your data is stored on a server of our sub-contractor FC-Net (6, rue Gérard Mantion, F-25000 Besançon). This company is based in France and stores its data in France. Your personal information will not be stored out of the European economic area, not even in a cloud.

Your personal data will be kept by Energy Cities as long as it will be useful, and deleted afterward. Or until you notify us at that you would like your information to be erased.
In any case, your personal data will be erased at the end of the project.

What are your data protection rights?

Changes to our privacy policy

We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this web page.

Cookies policy

For statistical (via Google Analytics platform) and display purposes, this website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files stored on your hard disk to record technical data about your navigation. Some of the website’s functionality may be lost if you do not accept cookies.

These cookies guarantee Energy Cities website is running properly and allow you to use it with all its enhancements. Our website is unable to be surfed on without those cookies, which remain always anonymous to us.

These cookies allow Google to collect data about your navigation on our website, and allow us to access those data through anonymized and aggregated reports. We use those reports to enhance your navigation experience on the website, and fine tune our menus, contents etc. By deactivating those cookies, we will not be able to analyse your navigation on our website.


If you consider we have not complied with data protection regulation, please inform us at
You also have the right to make a complaint via the French supervisory authority, see

How to contact us

You can contact us at  if you have any questions about our privacy policy or information we hold about you.