Which approach & steps to replace individual gas boilers in buildings?

28 May 2021

10:00 - 12:00 CET Online

A number of cities’ strategies to decarbonise heating in existing buildings rely on energy efficiency measures and replacement of fossil-fuel boilers by heating systems powered by green energy, such as heat pumps and district heating.

If this replacement or connection to district heating can be done relatively easily in individual houses, the challenge is bigger for multi-apartment buildings in which each flat is equipped with an individual gas boiler. In particular, it requires important piping work at building level. Different approaches to optimise the connection to district heating can be possible, such as the centralisation of the building heating system (in the cellar or attic for instance) or the connection to district heating at flat level with the installation of individual substations.

This session will present different approaches developed in Vienna and in the Netherlands to tackle the replacement of individual gas boilers in existing multi-apartment buildings. Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A session:

  • Vienna’s approach to replacing gas boilers developed in social housing

Peter Holzer, Institut für Building Research & Innovation, klimaaktiv Erneuerbare Wärme

  • Different approaches developed in the Netherlands for individual substations

Joyce Bongers, Mijnwater Energy B.V.


Missed this event? You can access the recording of the session here.